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Coaching and therapy


If you start to consider a change, but it is difficult for you to do it or that change is given by external circumstances and it is difficult for you to handle it, it is time to ask for help.


Coaching and therapy help you to 'put in order' everything that happens to you, discovering the origin of your discomfort and making you look to the future taking steps that make you feel better.  


Starting a therapeutic process is getting into yourself, which helps you get to know yourself better to identify what you feel, what you want and what you don't want. It is about getting you to take control of your life again, making decisions that have to do with what you really want and not with what others expect of you.


All this while still connecting the joy of living.


I can help you if you find yourself in any of these situations:


  • You have too many open fronts and all the tasks, doubts, concerns and feel stressed... and it is difficult for you to make decisions

  • Some external event or circumstance has left you totally unsettled, misplaced (separation, grief, professional change, pandemic situation ...) and you don't know how to re-focus

  • You feel overwhelmed and your emotions overcome you, making you react in a way in which you do not recognize yourself

  • Everything happens to you and at the same time none of it is serious, but you definitely feel restless, even if you don't really know why


These are some of the most common possible situations, which each and every one of us goes through not once, but several times, throughout our lives (if not throughout each year). Obviously there can be many more, but with this I want to encourage those who believe that their case is too special  (or too normal ) and feel like you have to figure it out on your own.


I can also do the sessions in English.


I am a Gestalt Therapist  So my way of approaching therapies is based on a humanistic vision, focused more on the development of human potential than on treating diseases. I attach great importance to the bond that I create with the consulting people and I do it in an empathic way and with enormous respect for all the people and situations they are going through.


I am a Systemic Coach and Family Constellator , so I have the 'systemic vision' integrated, that is, to consider the individual as part of a larger system that may be affecting him or being affected by what is happening to him.


I am also a NLP Practitioner , which focuses on human behavior, applying techniques for understanding mental and emotional processes. I consider myself a great 'resource supporter' and I work a lot with metaphors, which help the person to better understand their situation.

Coaching y terapia

Entrepreneurship and vocation


If you are in a moment of change or professional search, it is advisable to take some time to know what you really want to do and not assume that work is something that will never make you happy.


We all have a vocation and strengths that if we manage to identify them and put them at the service of our work, they will make us enjoy what we do, whether in an employed or self-employed job.


If what you are in is a moment of choosing studies or a career, vocational coaching will make you discover what you like, the strengths with which you want to reconnect, in addition to aligning yourself with your values. A good choice of studies is the first step in defining a satisfactory career path, in which you can unfold your best version and integrate it into a fulfilling personal life.


Entrepreneurship is a very interesting process to learn to look outside, detecting the opportunities and needs of the environment, while it is essential to look inside to see what it is you have and want to offer to the market to add value.


I have been supporting entrepreneurs and unemployed people for more than 20 years in the development of their personal skills. I give practical and entertaining workshops, where my goal is for people to learn about themselves while acquiring technical knowledge on how to carry out a project, a business or a job search process.


These are some of the workshops I do:

  • The business idea and the Business Model Canvas

  • Definition of objectives and time management

  • Find your purpose and define your values

  • Knowing what to study: the choice that will shape your future

  • Creativity and innovation

  • Leadership and decision making

  • Communication and personal branding

  • Professional Biographies

  • Self esteem and motivation


I really enjoy doing these workshops because I constantly generate spaces for participation and exchange. It is seldom that the participants do not include among the things they liked the most about the workshops, being able to share experiences with the rest. I always keep in mind the gender approach and ethics in decision-making.


These are some of the organizations I collaborate with:





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Resolución conflictos

Would you like to have a healthier relationship with your environment?


Most conflicts are solved by improving communication between the parties, knowing how to express what happens to us and what we need.


  • If you are in a conflict situation with someone (ex-partner, community of neighbors, family inheritances, businesses ...) in which something important is at stake and you cannot solve it, a good option is to go to an external person who can help the parties reach an agreement. Mediation  It is a simple and flexible, fast, inexpensive, confidential and voluntary process, where the mediator is absolutely neutral.  The agreement reached by the parties has the same legal effects as a court ruling.


  • If you find it difficult to tell someone what bothers you, hurts you or you would like to change, whether in your personal or work environment, Nonviolent Communication is a very useful method to express it without hurting the other person or yourself.


  • ​ Learning to dialogue as a team, to build something new and not waste time trying to convince the other is essential to carry out projects in an innovative way.


  • Limits are the expectations and needs that help you feel secure and comfortable in your relationships. Learn when to say no and when to say yes  it is the best form of self-care. Setting limits makes you free.  


We can work on all the above questions in individual or group sessions, in person or online.


I am a Civil, Commercial and Family Mediator graduated from the Ministry of Justice and I am trained in Nonviolent Communication.


I have worked in many companies and organizations where I have almost always led teams. Establishing a framework of sincere communication between people has been a constant in my career.


In my work as a therapist and coach, I have discovered that a large part of people identify with the need to establish limits. Understanding why it is difficult for us, learning to put them on and deal with the guilt and sadness that are often experienced later, is something very beautiful and necessary to work for personal growth

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